
Thick and thin my mind expands and condenses. Sometimes it is full of fear and spirals. Sometimes it opens up like a flower and becomes indomitable to negative energy. Sometimes my mind forgets who I am. And I stare into a void of meaningless entertainment, each second I lose myself and my purpose to flashes of bright color and war and madness.

My mind, now, feels lost. I know it will be found soon. It has a purpose, it must. So I trudge along in a vessel without its partner. Now, I do have a mind these days but it is not mine. It is merely a placeholder until mine finds its way.

The night sky used to fill me with wonder and awe. Time stopped and I was part of the stars. But lately I look up and feel a sort of fearful vertigo, like I might see something I shouldn’t and it will scare me to no end. I must fix this, because it is no way to live. I will look upon the sky in wonder once again, I know I will
